An English Language Club is helping immigrants and refugees have a voice, find their confidence and get jobs, members said.

The club at King's Arms Project, Bedford, started in 2020 and has 91 participants with a waiting list of more than 30 people.

Zarifa, who came from Afghanistan, said as a woman she was now able to "go to school" and now "I can speak".

Christy, a tutor for the charity, said it helped people "integrate into the wider community" and was for anyone, who wanted to learn English, regardless of their immigration status.

The club runs every Friday morning, during term-time.

"It’s a privilege to help people integrate into their wider community, and a big part of English Club is doing just that," Christy said.

"I also love the supportive, curious, and joyful culture - it’s a community that I’m proud to be part of."

She said people who attended have grown in confidence, formed new friendships and have learnt many new things including the school system, how the government works and day-to-day life.

"The culture of the club has remained consistent, though the individuals in it have gone on to other classes, towns, or jobs."

Zarifa, whose husband was an interpreter for the British Army, moved to the UK when the Taliban took power, said it was because they were not "safe".

She said it was "important" for her to attend the classes, as when she arrived, she could not speak English.

"My life is different because now I can go to school, in my country I couldn’t go to school.

"I can talk to the hospital, talk to my children’s school. I can speak."

Aisha, from Libya, used the charities creche, so she could attend.

"I like English Club because it helped me to talk English and practise with other people," she said.

"English Club has given me new opportunities, like speaking to friends, children’s school and doctors.

"My English is better now than before."

Anya, a new volunteer, from Ukraine said "English is my passion".

"I like to meet new people and to talk to them, also to help them to improve their levels of English."

Ailie, who has volunteered for three years, said she would encourage others to donate their time, as "in a small way" you were helping them to "settle in the UK".

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