Police in Ireland sent an Ohio woman a hilarious letter after she lost her driver's license on vacation in the Emerald Isle.

Caroline Gaede, 21, of Cincinnati, and her sister Rachel Gaede, 25, of New York City, took a family trip to Ireland in September with their parents when Rachel realized her driver's license was missing while they were touring Ross Castle in Killarney.

'We never thought we would ever see it again,' Rachel told 'My sister was checking all her pockets and she was like: "My ID is gone."

'She was a little panicked.'  

To their surprise, Caroline did see her license again after it unexpectedly arrived in the mail straight from Southwest Ireland a few weeks later. 

'This was handed into Killarney Garda station in Co. Kerry and I am now returning it to you,' Sergeant Joseph Sullivan wrote in the letter, which was recently uploaded to the police's Instagram page

Sullivan also took a moment to poke fun at Caroline, writing: 'Please feel free to visit us again any time and next time don't drink so much Guinness and lose your driving license. It is a very important document.

'I hope you had a wild and enjoyable time here in Ireland.' 

Sullivan wasn't too far off, as the post on Rachel's Instagram page showed her sister downing pints of Ireland's famous stout.

'10/10 police work,' Rachel captioned the video. 'You were SPOT ON.' 

The sisters are unsure if Sergeant Sullivan had done his homework before mailing back the letter or not, but the girls had shared multiple videos of the Ohioan drinking the famous beer. 

'A lot of the [social media] content we shared was Caroline drinking Guinness after Guinness,' Rachel told 

The family even toured the Guinness factory in Dublin - a must for Caroline, who enjoys the alcoholic beverage. 

After posting the letter, the police playfully reminded: 'Please always drink alcohol responsibly, won't you? This is important: We do not tolerate any references to "splitting the G."' 

Splitting the G is a drinking game done with Guinness where the drinker will take a big gulp in hopes of getting the beer line halfway down the G on the Guinness logo, which Caroline attempted to do multiple times while on the trip. 

Caroline was able to get back to the US without a hitch, as she had her passport. She had even gone to the DMV to get her photo taken for a new license just a few days before her unexpected package arrived. 

'The whole family thought it was hilarious,' Rachel told 

Since the letter has made a splash online, it's bringing up memories of their family trip. 

'It's making us miss it so much,' Rachel said, before joking: 'We should go back and lose another license.' 

This isn't the first time the sisters have hit the headlines, last year they shared their story of helping to reconcile their parents after they split which led to the couple remarrying again a decade later - just like the hit movie - The Parent Trap

The sisters documented their parents reconciliation on their TikTok account sharing footage of their mom Julie and dad Scott's journey to finding their way back to each other.

The couple had separated in 2014 and finalized their divorce in 2018 after their relationship deteriorated. 

However they remained friends and after multiple tragic deaths in the family, the two found each other again and married in 2023.

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